Choose the Words You Relate to Most and We'll Tell You Your MBTI Type

Let's play word association!

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Sep 30, 2023
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MBTI is the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator. The categories of MBTI are Introverted/Extroverted, Intuiting/Sensing, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving. The order of the letters (such as INFP) tells you your type and which traits you prefer. Using your intuition to choose these words will help determine your type. Let's play!

>> Which Rare Dictionary Word Describes Your Personality Best?

Select the word below that you feel most correlates with: Potato

How about Merry?

What word does your intuition tell you to choose when you see the word: Talk?

How about Dragon?

And... Wheat?






You are... ESTP (The Adventurer)!

You are... ESTP (The Adventurer)!

ESTP's are known to be sporty, positive, and gregarious. You will often see them at a party wanting to talk to everyone in sight. ESTP's bring the fun and energy to any situation and they help people connect with eachother.

You are... ENFP (The Dreamer)!

You are... ENFP (The Dreamer)!

ENFP are a little, well, different. They intuit outwardly which means they don't often have a filter and say whatever comes to mind. ENFP's are very warm, kind-hearted and can get hurt easily. They are often artistic or deal with people for their job.

You are... INFJ (The Advocate)!

You are... INFJ (The Advocate)!

Your type is Introverted, Intuiting, Feeling, and Judging. INFJ's are usually happy when they're alone. They are intensely curious and caring toward people and are often caregivers, counselors, or teachers. INFJ's can be serious, but really, they are extremely sensitive and spend lots of time indoors recuperating from the rough and tough outside world.

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Select the word below that you feel most correlates with: Potato

Which MBTI archetype do you feel that you relate to the most?

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